Monday, June 16, 2008

Cookie Pops

Here is the latest creation - cookie pops!  As a birthday gift, mom got me this popsicle cookie pan which is seriously cool.  Then today I went to Michaels and just stood in the cake aisle dreaming of possibilities!  The weekly Sex and the City lunch is tomorrow and the cookie pops will be a surprise for the girls... they'll be the judge!  


Jill said...

You are SO awesome!

Holli said...

They are DEEELICIOUS! So good that Marc may never see his cookie...

I was thinking of how best to photograph them to make them stand out and look super-professional--one food blogger I know of uses fancy dishes and white foam board as a solid backdrop and her stuff is gorgeous :

I have some fun platters you can borrow if you want for the next photography session. :)

Susan said...

Seriously cute.

Jill said...

Were they Cate crack cookies? Ben salivated over them for a while when he saw the picture. :)

CoachKyna said...

okay, you are awesome! I want your ingenuity. Can I just call you my baking hero? I say this because, well, you're not the Puffy Muffin cake decorator, but you have your own sense of style and panache. I LOVE it!
~Coach Kyna